
404 NIJI Tuners

This page is a collection of Midjourney Style Tuners, including raw syle and nijijourney tuners.

There are now 404 tuners in the list.Every tuner has a preview picture to make you choose it easier.

By hovering your mouse on each cell you can see the prompt of this tuner.

Click and you can go to the tuner to train your own style.

What is a tuner?

Midjourney released its newest—and potentially the most impactful yet—feature, the Style Tuner.

It allows you to create an infinite number of your own, uniquely built Midjourney styles, to then apply them to your prompts.

Quick facts

  1. The /tune command is only compatible with Midjourney model Version 5.2.
  2. /tune is compatible only with --aspect, --chaos, and --tile parameters. It means no --stylize, --stop, --quality, etc.
  3. The /tune command accepts Text prompts, Image prompts, and Multi-Image prompts. However—unlike with /imagine—the latter requires a text component.
  4. You can re-use tuned styles without parameter limitations (except for the version limited to --v 5.2), by simply adding their codes to your new prompts like so: --style [code].
  5. /tune spends Fast Hours even in Relax mode. But using tuned styles doesn't require Fast Hours.
  6. You can combine various styles codes using hypen as separator: --style [code 1]-[code 2]-[code n].
This page is a collection of Midjourney Style Tuners, including raw syle and nijijourney tuners.